LetterJAM! Teacher's Pack
...bridges the online and physical worlds to help students increase capability and motivation in spelling and vocabulary. The Teacher's "3 + 3" Pack includes, besides the detailed Teacher's Manual:.
  • Two complete decks of four colored sets, each containing two full alphabet sets, or a total of 16 alphabet sets for classroom and take-home use.
  • Two USA-made sand timers: a 3-minute blue timer and a 2-minute yellow timer.
  • Eight foldable AlphaBoards for laying out LetterJAM! cards within a four-by-eight matrix for various games and exercise.
  • LetterJAM!™ Reproducibles (Accessible 8/1/2009).*
  • LetterJAM!™ Interactive Phoneme Tablets (Accessible 8/1/2009).*
  • LetterJAM!™ WordMatch™ tool.
*Available through July 31, 2010, then a renewable annual fee will apply.

BUY NOW! Single pack (for eight children) $44.95
plus shipping and applicable sales tax

BUY NOW! Triple pack (for 24 children) $110.00
FREE shipping and applicable sales tax

LetterJAM! Freestyle Pack
An intriguing, socially entertaining letter game for individual or team play among four people, each with a custom-designed colored letter set containing two alphabets (a to z and a' to z') and two wild cards. Details and rules are at Every Freestyle Pack owner receives unlimited lifetime use of the WordMatch™ tool for discovery and challenges during play. The compact clear container houses the four colored sets for play of up to four people.

BUY NOW! $12.95 (four colored sets, free access to WordMatch™)
FREE shipping and applicable sales tax
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